>> wuzanru

不能只是沉默 所以應該表達




早上的天氣這麼好,我差點被騙去爬劍潭山之類的,幸好沒有衝動,因為下午的雷陣雨真的太恐怖。下午本來可以好好企劃遊玩一番的,但心情就一直懸在奇萊主北能不能成行這件事上,等到確知不能成行時,天氣已驟變了,想去哪裡玩都不行了,好可惜啊~我本來還想去關渡跑步的說,那裡有一片水田佈滿整池的浮萍,好想用相機捕捉起來。不過我還是有乖乖的跑步運動,今天的菜單:操場10+圈,push up 100+下,我的腿能夠凹很大的角度。

晚上冒雨衝去北藝大看戲,《動物園的故事》(★☆☆☆☆) Excellent acting, poor story.以下是我在網路上蒐集的一些關於這齣戲的資料
《The Zoo Story》OUTLINE
This one-act play concerns two characters, Peter and Jerry. Peter is a middle-class publishing executive with a wife, two daughters, two cats and two parakeets who lives in ignorance of the world outside his married life while Jerry is an isolated and disheartened man who is very troubled. These men meet on a park bench in New York City's Central Park. Jerry is desperate to have a meaningful conversation with another human being. He intrudes on Peter’s peaceful state by interrogating him and forcing him to listen to stories from his life including "THE STORY OF JERRY AND THE DOG" and the reason behind his visit to the zoo. The action is linear, unfolding in front of the audience in “real time”. The elements of ironic humor and unrelenting dramatic suspense are brought to a climax when Jerry brings his victim down to his own savage level.

The catalyst for this shocking ending transpires when Peter announces, "I really must be going home;..." Jerry, in response, begins to tickle Peter. Peter giggles, laughs and agrees to listen to Jerry finish telling "what happened at the zoo." At the same time Jerry begins pushing Peter off the bench. Peter decides to fight for the bench and becomes incredibly angry. Unexpectedly, Jerry pulls a knife on Peter, and then drops it as initiative for Peter to grab. When Peter holds the knife defensively, Jerry charges him and impales himself on the knife. Bleeding on the park bench, Jerry finishes his zoo story by bringing it into the immediate present, "Could I have planned all this. No... no, I couldn't have. But I think I did." Horrified, Peter runs away from Jerry whose dying words, "Oh...my...God", are a combination of scornful mimicry and supplication'.


愛德華‧奧比(Edward Albee, 1928 - )生於華盛頓,其養父里德‧奧比(Reed Albee)是百老匯一家劇院的股東,奧比自小耳濡目染,對戲劇藝術發生了濃煙興趣。1948年離開學校之後,他到紐約格林威治村居住,並在10年間做了 各種不同的工作:雜役工、推銷員、書店伙計、信差等,令他累積了不少人生經驗。 1958年,奧比創作《動物園的故事》(The Zoo Story),但該劇輾轉於紐約幾劇院均遭拒絕,直至1959年9月才在德國柏林公演,4個月後,《動物園的故事》與貝克特(Samuel Beckett)與《克雷普最後的錄影帶》(Krapp's Last Tape)在格林威治村聯合公演,奧比才廣受注目。儘管他跟歐洲一些後現代劇作家如貝克特和品特(Harold Pinter)關係密切,但他卻被視為繼承著美國本世紀奧尼爾(Eugene O'Neill)、威廉斯(Tennessee Williams)及米勒(Arthur Miller)的嚴肅戲劇傳統,帶進60年代的舞台。


~the end~

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