>> wuzanru

不能只是沉默 所以應該表達


Princes Familiar - Alanis Morissette

Princess Familiar

please be philosophical

please be tapped into your femininity

please be able to take the wheel from me

please be crazy and curious

papa love your princess so that she will find loving princes familiar

papa cry for your princess so that she will find gentle princes familiar

please be a sexaholic

please be unpredictably miserable

please be self absorbed much (not the good kind)

please be addicted to some substance

papa listen to your princess so that she will find attentive princes familiar

papa hear your princess so that she will find curious princes familiar

please be the jerk of my knee i've fit you always

you finish my sentences I think I love you

what is your name again no matter i'm guessing your thoughts again correctly

and I love the way

you press my buttons so much sometimes I could strangle you

papa laugh with your princess so that she will find funny princes familiar

papa respect your princess so that she will find respectful princes familiar

please be strangely enigmatic

please be just like my

Princess Familiar






--這首歌來自我從國中就非常崇拜的加國女歌手Alanis Morissette,收錄於1999的live recording album "Alanis Unplugged"

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