>> wuzanru

不能只是沉默 所以應該表達


Gobbledigook - Sigur Rós

Sigur Rós的新專輯Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust” (in English: "With a Buzz in Our Ears We Play Endlessly")終於出現了。距離上張錄音室專輯”Takk…”(2005)已經三餘年了。專輯6/23發行,如果台灣只有進口版的話,價格一定超貴。令人驚訝的是,這張專輯收錄了第一首創作英文歌曲”All Right”。而且據說歌詞內容將淺顯易懂,並且選擇倫敦的Abbey Road錄音室灌錄歌曲,而不是在雷克亞維克。這代表的意義是向資本主義靠攏吧!

Sigur Rós最近在官方網站發表最新單曲"Gobbledigook"available as a free download,我當然不客氣的下載來聽。另外音樂錄影帶也可以在網路上觀看。內容大約是20位男女,在大自然中毫無拘束的遊樂==

下面我放了一些music videovideostill

DirectorArni and KinskiGlósóli and Viðrar vel til loftárása

CinematographerChristopher Doyle

Collaboration and InspirationRyan McGinley


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Thanks to the owner of this blog. Ive enjoyed reading this topic.

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Nice blog. Thats all.

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Thanks to the owner of this blog. Ive enjoyed reading this topic.