>> wuzanru

不能只是沉默 所以應該表達


強烈衝擊 - 眼淚

Massive Attack我記得台灣翻譯成強烈衝擊,國中時特愛的一個trip-hop英國團 (trip-hop是一種慢節奏的電子音樂,在九零年代英國發展出來的,融合了浩室和嘻哈音樂)。第一次認識他們是teardrop這首歌,你若去看看這支MV一定被他強烈的風格所深深吸引。溫柔的女聲好像在對著胎兒歌唱,整首歌詞瀰漫著黑暗絕望,但又溫馨輕盈美好關愛,好衝突的感受。
後來高中時massive attack捲土重來,但我覺得那張新專輯沒有這張"Mezzanine"和"Blue Line"來的突破。另外推薦你可以聽聽"Unfinished Sympathy",超級老歌了,但毋庸置疑是個經典,我發覺我還是喜歡90's的歌曲耶

TEARDROP by Massive Attack
(love)love is a verb
Love is a doing word
Feathers on my breath
Gentle impulsion
Shakes me makes me lighter
Feathers on my breath

Teardrop on the fire
Feathers on my breath

In the night of matter
Black flowers blossom
Feathers on my breath
Black flowers blossom
Feathers on my breath

Teardrop on the fire
Feathers on my breath

Water is my eye
Most faithful my love
Feathers on my breath
Teardrop on the fire of a confession
Feathers on my breath
Most faithful my love
Feathers on my breath

Teardrop on the fire
Feathers on my breath

Stumbling a little (x2)

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