>> wuzanru

不能只是沉默 所以應該表達




我電腦裡有一首歌"光朝",最近看到MAZDA 3電視廣告也取用這首歌,聽了心情會很好。

曲名 : 光朝



受話器の向こうから 聞こえる君の聲 (電話筒的那一刻可以聽見你的聲音)

さやしく屆く 靜かにゆっくり過ぎる夜 (溫柔地傳到安靜悠然的夜裡)

今この時にも 深い悲しみの波紋が、 (此時此刻 悲哀深沉的波紋)

わかってるけれど よごしてきた足跡でしょ (心知肚明的是 一路髒污的足跡)

The mind is always set to drive and reach for higher things.

Remember the days just to forget the days、

日々はただ過ぎてゆく (日子只是不斷的過去)

Bring it on back、walk a new track

移り變わる 次の世界へ (變換 往下一個世界)

Don't ya want to see it? A beautiful morning、

扉開いて (打開門扉)

Now give it all back walk a new track、

Live a new day、

未來の子供たちへ (給未來的孩子們)

美しい朝を この世界へ。 (把美麗的早晨給這個世界)

How many times we've told the tale、

Our parts are played right on T.V.

C'mon and change the channel please、

I don't care to ever watch this scene again、

fast forward to the end、

or play the first part again.

昨日までの事、決して忘れないで。 (昨日的一切請千萬別忘記)

Lay down just for a while、

I'm thinking it's such a small price to pay.

The mind is set on overdive to reach for higher things.

Remember the days don't ya forget to change、

Our whole lives will live on through time.

Bring it on back、walk a new track

移り變わる 次の世界へ (變換 往下一個世界)

Don't ya want to see it? A beautiful morning、

扉開いて (打開門扉)

Now give it all back walk a new track、

Live a new day、未來の子供達へ (給未來的孩子們)

美しい朝を この世界へ (把美麗的早晨給這個世界)

Tick tock the clock has lost it's time、

Nobody's got to worry now、

The night's sublime like fireworks.

Oh no no! All at close range and、

Gotta be changin'、

'Cause something is happenin'、

Give it all back、

walk a new track give and you take.

Everybody's holding down.

Don't ya want to see it?

A beautiful morning、

is right out your doorway.

Now give it all back、

walk a new track、

live a new day.

Your kids are going to recall from now、

Whatever you were thinking about、

Your time is closing in.

YA! MONKEY MAJIK,再來談談我怎麼認識這個團體的,去年寒假在北海道的飯店內,隨機轉電視正好看到一個節目在做排行榜countdown。突然!電視就傳來一首 另我"耳聰目明"的一首好歌,Ya,Picture Perfect。回台灣後,我就很努力的找到了這首歌,後來更下載了整張專輯來聽。然後我就愛上猴子把戲了,我就是喜歡這樣的音樂,沒有太多的負擔,按下 play就會讓你身體弛放了起來。

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